It is recommended to contact our staff for further clarifications as preparation may vary based on the medical history of each patient.
General preparation information:
Patients on the day of the CT scan test should avoid consuming fruits, legumes, vegetables, dairy and nuts.
It is recommended that on the day of the test, patients have eaten slightly and have drunk water, as proper hydration of the body contributes to the better quality of the imaging.
If you are following any medication you can take your medicines as usual on the day of the test. Please inform our staff of any medication you are taking in order to receive more instructions and clarifications.
Female patients need to be sure that they are not pregnant before they make an appointment for a CT scan.
The test along with your overall stay at the examination center can take up to 1.5 hours.
If you have a history of allergic sensitivity and/or asthma, it is essential to reach out to the Lab physician to receive guidance on the appropriate preparations for desensitization to iodinated contrast medium.
Schedule your appointment
Learn more about CT scan and schedule your appointment.