Allergy Diagnosis | ALEX² Allergy Explorer

What does the ALEX² Test detect?

ALEX² Allergy Explorer is the world's first laboratory allergy test that simultaneously detects up to 300 allergens, covering the majority of global allergy causes.
It allows the simultaneous measurement of total and specific IgE antibodies (tIgE and sIgE), which develop when the body comes into contact with a variety of allergen extracts and molecular allergens.

ALEX² is based on proprietary nanobead technology and:

  • In a single assessment, it encompasses a wide range of globally significant allergens.
  • Offers a comprehensive overview of a patient's sensitivity to allergens.
  • It can be conducted through a straightforward blood test without requiring any prior preparation.

The test is suitable for:

  • Determining the causes of an allergic reaction
  • Prevention of asthma
  • Identification of allergens requiring immunotherapy
  • Evaluation of the effects of allergen immunotherapy
  • Investigation of food allergy
  • Investigation of an anaphylactic episode
  • Verifying the diagnosis of an existing allergy

What is allergy?

Allergy is defined as a malfunction of the immune system when it overreacts against substances that are usually harmless. These substances are often found in our natural environment and are called allergens. Substances can be food, medicines, pollen, dust, mites, etc. Allergies are very common as they affect about 1 in 4 people.

What are the most likely allergy symptoms?

  • Skin rashes
  • Shortness of breath
  • Cough
  • Sneezing, runny nose or congestion
  • Itchy eyes
  • Stomach upset

Allergies & Children - Prevent future disorders

The test is suitable for infants who have had an anaphylactic episode, asthma symptoms (severe cough, e.g. after a virus/infection), as well as for toddlers with chronic allergy symptoms (rhinitis, irritated eyes, runny nose, etc.).

Children develop allergies at any age. The early diagnosis of childhood allergies is the vehicle for their effective treatment in order to:

  • Prevent exacerbations of symptoms
  • Prevent the development of new allergies
  • Prevent the progression of allergic disease from allergic rhinitis to asthma
Aνιχνεύει ταυτόχρονα έως και 300 αλλεργιογόνα

Detects up to 300 allergens simultaneously

Καλύπτει την πλειοψηφία σχετικών αλλεργιογόνων σε μία μόλις δοκιμή

Covers the majority of relevant allergens in just one test

Πραγματοποιείται με μια απλή εξέταση αίματος

It is performed with a simple blood test

Είναι κατάλληλο για βρέφη και νήπια

It is suitable for infants and toddlers

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