Modern lifestyle with all its demands and stress has taken its toll on many aspects of human life, often leading to infertility issues among couples.
There are many factors that can cause or contribute to infertility, and careful study and investigation are needed in order to increase the chances of a successful conception.
At our Lab we offer a wide array of female and male infertility tests that contribute to the meticulous and accurate investigation of each particular case.

Female Infertility:
On the 1st-4th day of menstruation. They show the supply and quality of eggs in the ovaries.
7 days after ovulation. It shows if ovulation has occurred.
Can be taken on any day of the menstruation cycle. A new and very reliable blood test that gives us a very good image of the number and quality of eggs.
Prolactin, androgens and thyroid hormones
Male Infertility:
Determines the number of spermatozoa, their mobility and morphology.
The presence or absence of antisperm antibodies is checked. If antisperm antibodies are present, it means that the man has developed antibodies against the sperm itself, which significantly affects its penetration into the cervical mucus and the egg and reduces fertility.
It checks the percentage of fragmented DNA in the sperm head - when the percentage of sperm with fragmented DNA exceeds 25%, the reproduction prognosis is not good.
With this ultrasound, any pathology in the testicles or the existence of a varicocele can be found and treated.

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Learn more about the Infertility Investigation and book your appointment today.