Polygenic Risk Score (PRS)

Learn today how to protect your health tomorrow!

Stavroulis Lab pioneers once again by introducing the Polygenic Risk Score (PRS) test.

The emergence of future diseases and conditions is, indeed, the result of a complex interplay between our genetic predispositions and the lifestyle and environment in which we reside.

With a simple blood sampling, PRS tests allow extensive investigation of human DNA, focusing on the contribution of genetic polymorphisms to the predisposition and development of chronic diseases in the human body.

Following the test results, under the guidance of the doctor and with the support of specialized professionals, it is recommended to embrace a modified lifestyle that includes adhering to a nutritious diet and incorporating regular physical activity into our daily routines. These changes help prevent and treat future diseases before they even appear.

PRS conducts a comprehensive gene study for the prognosis of the following diseases:

Oncological Diseases:

  • Breast Cancer
  • Ovarian Cancer
  • Prostate Cancer
  • Colon Cancer
  • Brain Cancer
  • Kidney Cancer
  • Pancreatic Cancer
  • Melanoma

Cardiometabolic disorders:

  • Coronary Artery Disease
  • Diabetes T2
  • Hypertension
  • Atrial Fibrillation
  • BMI
  • Hyperlipidemias

Other diseases:

  • Stroke
  • Celiac disease
  • Early menopause
  • Osteoporosis
  • Psoriasis
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Idiopathic Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Information for the examinee

PRS are molecular tests performed with a simple blood test and use state-of-the-art technology to check for gene variants in our DNA, which might increase the risk of developing a chronic disease, such as those mentioned above.

With the help of special algorithms and in the form of numbers, there is a polygenic marker for each disease being investigated. The recorded values are compared to the average genetic risk, providing the examinee with information regarding their likelihood of developing the disease in comparison to the general population's average risk.

PRS, taking into account the unique biology of each individual, offers valuable insights to both the examinee and the physician, aiding in the customization of preventive plans for the examinees.
Through the PSR test, the examinee obtains an early prognosis of their future health trajectory based on the numerical values gathered from a blood sample. This enables them to proactively address risk factors through appropriate interventions and seek timely treatment, potentially mitigating these risks.

For individuals with a complex medical history, this test serves as an early indicator of their future health prospects, prompting them to seek guidance from specialized experts who can help prevent the emergence of undesirable health risks by providing essential recommendations.
Utilizing Gene Titan technology, the same technology employed in establishing one of the most extensive genetic databases, the UK Biobank, it becomes feasible to conduct the Polygenic Risk Index (PRS) assessment for seven chronic diseases:
  • Coronary Artery Disease
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Breast Cancer
  • Prostate Cancer
  • Colorectal Cancer
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
The PRS test does not require any preparation, since it is performed with a simple blood sampling. Due to the technology used, a multitude of genetic variations, known as polymorphisms, are identified in the blood. These polymorphisms are then subjected to bioinformatics analysis of genetic data, culminating in the calculation of a Polygenic Risk Index (PRS). Thus, within 3-4 weeks, the examinee receives a report detailing their genetic risk assessment for each of the investigated diseases. While it may appear to be a quick and straightforward process, it is, in reality, the culmination of extensive scientific research involving intricate diagnostic techniques.
Genetic predispositions exist prior to birth and remain unaffected by age-related developments. This means that the test is suitable to be performed once for individuals aged 18 and older who are interested in proactive preventive measures.

It is especially beneficial for individuals aged 35 and above who have acquired multiple risk factors for the mentioned diseases, or for individuals of any age with a family history burdened by these conditions.
There is no need for concern since the numerical values pertain to the potential risk of future complications and are not associated with the diagnosis of an already established and evident illness.

Upon receiving your results, if you have a high PRS score, we will direct you to the relevant attending physician. They will provide guidance on the appropriate preventive measures to adopt in response to the potential risk.

While there may not always be available treatments for certain diseases, having prior knowledge about a potential illness can still be valuable as enables the individual to make lifestyle adjustments, and reduce the risk of developing comorbid conditions. Having early awareness of the prospective medical prognosis for the individual allows them the opportunity to mentally prepare and take charge of their treatment and health improvement.

Information for the doctor

Genomic medicine is a branch of medicine that studies the genomic information of organisms (DNA), using tools of Genetics and Molecular Biology, in order to diagnose early potential risks that make the individual vulnerable and to deal with them preventively.

In the field of Genomic Medicine, the assessment of DNA through the measurement of PRS is a medical approach that is currently transitioning from genetic research into practical clinical application. 
Despite the identical sequences contained in the human genome, there are small variations that contribute to individual uniqueness. These variations or variants are called genomic polymorphisms, and their presence can be associated with an increased susceptibility to certain diseases or the organism's resistance to them.

PRS tests thoroughly investigate human DNA, focusing on the contribution of genomic variants to the predisposition and development of chronic diseases in the human body.
In essence, these are monogenic diseases or otherwise hereditary and polygenic diseases known as chronic. The presence of the initial category of diseases results from mutations affecting a single gene at a specific location. Polygenic or complex diseases, on the other hand, are diseases that occur as a result of many gene variants, combined with other environmental influences.

The PRS genetic test is a prognostic or preventive tool evaluating an individual's genetic susceptibility to future development of common hereditary or chronic diseases.
The investigation of our polygenic risk in the form of PRS is an important step towards Precision Health.

PRS, which takes into account one of the two primary factors influencing our health—our DNA, brings us closer to the objective of Precision Health and takes significant strides towards achieving meaningful health enhancement and prevention.
In diseases where prognosis holds significant importance, like cancer, PRS can be integrated with other molecular tests to provide a comprehensive molecular profile of the individual. This approach encompasses thousands of new genetic polymorphisms not typically examined by traditional molecular methods, potentially altering the clinical outlook for the individual. This provides important data to the doctor who will determine a high-precision preventive management plan.

For other chronic diseases, such as coronary heart disease, PRS can be combined with other traditional risk factors such as LDL cholesterol for accurate prediction and prevention. In this example, an LDL-C value between 115-130 mg/dL, considered "almost normal" for the average population, carrying an average PRS score, combined with a high PRS (i.e. a high genetic predisposition) is now considered a risk factor for coronary heart disease. This precision approach significantly modifies the doctor's preventive plan for the individual. Therefore, acting as an adjunct to the already existing tests and values of the examinee, it provides all the necessary medical data and indications empowering the healthcare provider to formulate a preventive and treatment strategy aimed at preserving the examinee's overall health.


For the 2nd consecutive year, STAVROULIS LAB continues the action "LET'S GO TOGETHER", an initiative aimed at increasing awareness among women about the importance of breast cancer prevention, information, and treatment.

How to take part:

Encourage a person you love to have a breast screening with you by choosing one of the following imaging tests:

Digital Tomography Mammography

Breast Ultrasound - Elastography

Schedule your appointments together

Πραγματοποιήστε την απεικονιστική εξέτασή σας, την ίδια ημέρα με την αιμοληψία σας.

Because TOGETHER, we are stronger.

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