Imaging Tests

Imaging tests are one of the greatest achievements of medicine for the diagnosis of many diseases. In our advanced, high-tech and state-of-the-art diagnostic unit, we provide all major but also the most sophisticated imaging tests with the aim of timely and accurate screening.

We offer a comprehensive and reliable check-up, and we emphasize a timely and stress-free in depth imaging of the patient's clinical problem with our state-of-the-art medical equipment and experienced and specialized staff.

Με τελευταίας τεχνολογίας ιατρικό εξοπλισμό και έμπειρο και εξειδικευμένο προσωπικό, βασική μας μέριμνα είναι η αξιόπιστη διάγνωση.
Find out more about the tests below and contact us for any additional information and/or clarification.

Digital X-Ray

A new era in radiology is digital radiography. Its innovation lies in the fact ...READ MORE »

Full Leg - Full Spine

Digital full-body x-ray of the lower extremities and spine allows a large area to be checked ...READ MORE »

64-slice Computed Tomography

Our diagnostic labs, offering high-quality services in the field of clinical imaging, have installed the one-of-a-kind ...READ MORE »

Breast Ultrasound

Breast Ultrasound is an examination indispensable for all women, as it enables the movement and flow of ...READ MORE »

Digital Tomography Mammography

Mammography or Tomosynthesis is an evolution of the classic digital mammography,


Ελαστογραφία Μαστού

Η ελαστογραφία μαστού αποτελεί την πιο αξιόλογη εξέλιξη στους ιατρικούς υπερήχους τα τελευταία χρόνια.READ MORE »

Breast MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)

Magnetic Mammography is a modern imaging test for the diagnosis of breast diseases.READ MORE »

Digital Panoramic and Cephalometric

The most modern imaging method in Dental Radiology that provides 3D images of ...READ MORE »

3D CBCT scan

The new era in dental imaging with 3D cone beam tomography and 3D panoramic that give images ...READ MORE »

Multiparametric Prostate MRI

Prostate cancer is the most common cause of cancer in the adult male population. READ MORE »

Dexa Bone Density Measurement

The measurement of bone density with the DEXA method is considered the best examination ...READ MORE »

FibroScan Liver elastography

Liver elastography (fibroscan) is a painless, non-invasive method that quantitatively assesses the degree of liver ...READ MORE »

Life Scan

We often forget that our most valuable asset is our good health. Don't let illness get in the way of a life you love. READ MORE »

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