Multiparametric Prostate MRI

Prostate cancer is the most common cause of cancer in the adult male population. Its early diagnosis is the most efficient way to deal with it and treat it.

The new Multiparametric Prostate MRI available in our lab (MP-MRI: MultiParametric MRI) is the most important test, complementing the PSA blood test and urological assessment, for the diagnosis of prostate cancer even before the rectal biopsy according to the instructions of the British Urological Society.

Accuracy of acquisition when the cancer focus is small/non-palpable
Suspicious areas that may harbor incipient carcinogenesis are identified
Post-MRI rectal biopsies are targeted to the specific tumor area and have a higher chance of success
Allows for more precise treatment planning
It helps in the follow up and post-operative monitoring of the patients

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Learn more about Multiparametric Prostate MRI and book your appointment today.